Omma TX Precision Laminator

About this Product

Wood, glass, HPL (high pressure laminate), metal, plastic... The TX Precision is the flagship of our lamination machinery. Fully adjustable, it offers a high level of sophistication. Many elements are automated: film tension control, length calculation, cutting system... This industrial laminator allows you to cut the protective film exactly as you like: to the edge, negative or positive, always with high precision.

This industrial laminator is equipped with an automatic cut system that allows you to use it for continuous production. No need for a human intervention, the protective film laminator applies the film and cuts it by itself according to your needs.

Most of our lamination machinery is equipped with a digital display that allows you to quickly and effortlessly configure and operate your machine.


OMMA’s TX Precision laminator is an in-line and off-line laminator with high precision automatic cutting system.


Technical Features:

Laminating rollers Ø mm. 150

Useful working width mm. 1.300

Minimum panel length mm. 300

Maximum working thickness mm. 80

Adjustable speed mt./min. 5-25

Working level mm. 905

Installed power KW 1

Integrated infeed/outlet rollers length (approx) mm. 300

Command side (compared to working direction) Right

Standard Voltage v. 400/50/3+N

Roll max external diameter Ø mm. 300

Roll internal diameter Ø mm. 76

Technical equipment:

- “High Precision” automatic transversal cut device of the film (static cut). Cutting position is controlled with programmable electronic positioner connected to the encoder. Cutting time ~3 sec.Tolerance of application about ± 2mm

Tolerance of application can be influenced by film type and speed selected.

Moreover it allows to choose different types of film’s cut:

- Cut to the edges;

- Positive cut : film is some mm outside the panels edges (it depends of the film’s adhesiveness);

- Negative cut: film inside the panel’s edges, up to about 10mm.

- Multifunctional HMI display for machine set-up and diagnostic. The machine is controlled by PLC Siemens S7/1200 with digital display and PROFINET interface, to manage different operations.

- Independent servo geared-motors controlled with servo inverter for continuous variable speed.

- Top laminating roller with special “Dual Layer” rubber coating.

- Electronic device for electrostatic charge with generator.

- Automatic thickness adjustment with positioner abd digital display.

- N. 1 Top side film supply shaft, with centering cones and adjustable brake for film tension.

- Operating Display on the lateral shoulder of the machine and independent electric cabinet with 5mt cables (only ON/OFF power), on the opposite side.

- Safety optics device.

- CE certified, digital manuals in English language.

Already including:

- Special system for pre-tensioning and controlled unwinding of the protective, motorized independently and electronically managed, specifically indicated using very elastic films and/or with very thin thicknesses and/or with very high adhesiveness, to avoid wrinkles and “memory effect” (possible detaching from the edges after some time).

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