As part of the campaign, we invited in Joanne Cotter from the Healthy Knowsley Service to come in and deliver a session on decision-making when reliant on fast/ easy to grab food. Also, we had Lorna Marshall and Cheryl Smeatham from the Knowsley Chamber in attendance who both got stuck into the games and engaged with the apprentices.
The session was a great success, we had attendance from all of our apprentices and they all enjoyed themselves and learnt a lot.
A few of their comments below: -
“It was insightful and eye-opening”
“It was fun. We had a laugh and learnt quite a lot to be fair”
“It was great to the apprentices working as a team and learning”
“I enjoyed learning and understanding about the foods I eat day to day and what they contain”
“Insightful and interesting subject which has made me consider my food choices”
“Very informative and I enjoyed learning how I can change some of my eating habits”