We were pleased to be able to host our “Engineering Your Future” day this week and welcomed students from 7 schools from across the Liverpool City Region to our showroom for a series of sessions with us and other local employers, giving them the opportunities to explore potential careers. Rachael Baker (Managing Director at JJ Smith) said: “it was great to be able to welcome so many future engineers in today to have fantastic conversations about apprenticeships and possible careers. Thank you to the other companies that came to support the event today, a real example of why Knowsley is a fantastic place to work, with businesses keen to support the local community.”
Michelle Dow (Managing Director at All About STEM/All About Futures): “This is an amazing opportunity for local schools to meet industry professionals and discuss career destinations. This type of collaboration is essential to future proof the skills talent pipeline ensuring our young people have a bright future.” A view echoed by Liam Hanlon (Managing Director of the Forshaw Group) “This event is so important in opening up the opportunities that are available for young people within the city regions. For companies to showcase the products, services and skills they offer that otherwise would remain unknown as possible career choices for young people.”
The view from the schools that attended was overwhelmingly positive with the view that “these events are invaluable in engaging students into life after school – opening their eyes into the world of industry and future employment” (Maureen Irons Year 9 Progress Leader at Halewood Academy). Susie Wallis (Maghull High School Careers Advisor and Transition Coordinator) commented “A great opportunity for our year 10 students to learn about the opportunities in the local area and in the world of engineering and related industries. Real life learning always helps our students, more like this please. Thank you JJ Smith and others.”